Borisov: On December 21 we reopened everything; Minister of Health: It is too early to say


Borisov: On December 21 we reopened everything;  Minister of Health: It is too early to say

The best anti-crisis measure, in a pandemic, is to “reopen everything” on December 21. Kindergartens and nurseries can start operating from December 14 if the number of infected people continues to decline. Borissov said this on Monday while inspecting a bakery for Arabic bread opened by a Syrian citizen in Calapitsa.

“The best anti-crisis measure that I have ordered the doctors is to reopen everything on December 21.”the prime minister told the bakery owner.

Later, however, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov made a much more moderate statement on the matter, making it clear that he found the conversation about a full opening rushed. “It is too early to talk about opening everything from the 21st, as long as the week we care to analyze is from the 14th.”Angelov said. If not, he confirmed that he spoke with the prime minister in the morning and is ready to open kindergartens and nurseries on December 14.

Borissov also commented that there are already between 2,000 and 3,000 people who have recovered from the virus every day. “To be able to return to production, because there is no economic logic, without collecting taxes, without producing, for the State to pay a salary, it has no source of income. If this continues, there are two outcomes, I loans or bankruptcy.”argued the Prime Minister.

He was adamant that he did not want to “please the next generation.” Borissov clarified that so far 1.1 billion BGN has been earmarked for trade measures.

“Vaccines, medicines … Doctors have learned, they are trying … 60/40 works, 80/20 works – we continue with these measures, but it is best to open on December 21”.he added.

On the condition that an early opening of kindergartens and nurseries begins.

“On the 14th (December – note ed.), If the numbers are such, we will open kindergartens and nurseries so that parents can go to work. This is a condition, in any case on December 21 the last restrictions are lifted introduced. “Borisov stressed.

The Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Denitsa Sacheva, was at the Tsalapitsa production base together with Prime Minister Borissov. He said that under the latest measure to pay 80% of the minimum wage, 1,500 applications have already been submitted, relating to 6,000 workers engaged in economic activities temporarily closed by the new virus.

Borissov said that it was extremely important for all Bulgarian citizens to continue to responsibly observe the measures that have proven their effectiveness: distance, disinfection and discipline, because it will take a long time to cope with the consequences of the crisis.
