Borisov in Dospat: The king gives, the padar does not give


Borisov in Dospat: The king gives, the padar does not give

“There is a good Bulgarian proverb: the king gives, the father does not give”. Therefore, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov commented on Christmas in Dospat a case of potentially unpaid bonuses for working on the front line with Covid patients from employees of the ambulance branch – Dospat. Borisov was surprisingly pointed out by an ambulance driver while touring the city gym and the renovated school.

Question – surprise

“Prime Minister, can I ask you a question? Why are bonuses of BGN 1,000 given across the country? We work on the front line and we don’t get them.”asked driver Krassimir Karabelov surprisingly.

“We give them to all”Borisov replied briefly.

“Yes, but he doesn’t give them to us”the driver replied. After clarifying Borisov’s questions, it became clear that the director of the Emergency Service in Smolyan, Dr. Venelin Denev, did not pay the funds according to the accusations of the affected person.

“He says we don’t deserve them because we don’t work.”added the driver. And specify that the doctor distributed them “by head”, some were taken at once, others not.

Borissov said he would conduct an inspection. At that moment the phone rang and in front was the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

After the Prime Minister wished him a Merry Christmas, he said: “Angelov, I have Krasi, an ambulance driver, who tells me that although he is on the front line, the director of the Smolyan hospital does not send him 1,000 BGN because it turns out that he is not working and the person asks me. Check, so you can answer him. “

The health minister promised an inspection and was immediately questioned by the prime minister about how much money was paid this month by front-line employees.

Angelov replied: BGN 83 million. “This month, 83 million BGN contributors through us have been redistributed to people like you.”Borisov said.

And add – “I sent you 83 million, now let’s see who got it.”

For Dospat’s Brexit

Subsequently, Borissov also visited the waste separation dump in Dospat municipality. From there, he commented on the Brexit deal.

Today we have very good news. Although always at the last minute, the EU finds the right solutions. There will be an agreement with this great country, Great Britain. So, I hope, we will continue to work in the most comfortable conditions with him. Congratulations to Ursula von der Layen and Michel Barnier, as well as my friend Boris Johnson, who did what was necessary so that we could reach an agreement. “added.

“Brexit without a deal would have been a scary thing in the context of the entire pandemic and the financial and economic crisis.”He concluded.

Rhodopes are a priority

Rhodopes are a top priority along with education, science, and health care. In the last 4 years, the government has allocated more than 40 million to the Dospat municipality. Thanks to some of them, the city will soon have a new center, covering 13 acres, the prime minister added.
