Biden suspends flights to US again, repealing Trump order


Shortly after the administration of current President Donald Trump announced that Fr.flight restrictions drop to the United States from Europe and Brazil, the headquarters of his newly elected successor announced that it would be abolished by him.

Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the pandemic would not be able to facilitate travel at this time. The headquarters decision was made on the advice of team doctors.

The United States is lifting travel restrictions from Europe and Brazil

The United States is lifting travel restrictions from Europe and Brazil

But they leave the bans to China and Iran

Trump’s order was to go into effect on January 26, after the end of his term and Biden’s inauguration.

The order lifted the restrictions imposed last March by the COVID-19 pandemic and also allowed travel from Brazil.

According to the text of the document, Trump announced that the unrestricted entry into the United States of people who were in the aforementioned countries “is no longer a threat to American interests.”

Travel restrictions for China and Iran remain in effect, according to the published document.

WHO calls on Europe to step up measures against COVID-19 due to new strain

WHO calls on Europe to step up measures against COVID-19 due to new strain

There was still no evidence of a change in the severity of the virus.

Biden himself has previously said that he is willing to listen to the voice of science and health experts, rather than act politically.

He has repeatedly called for compliance, restraint and discipline in the pandemic.

We remind you that experts have warned of 500,000 victims of coavirus in the United States in March.
