BEFORE NOVA: This is a passenger who survived the accident near Lesovo.


The driver, whose truck the passenger bus collided near Lesovo, was detained for 72 hours. The prosecutor’s office in Yambol accused him of causing death in an accident. The fight for the lives of the most seriously injured in Yambol and Sofía continues for the second day.

9 of the victims of the serious accident remain in the Yambol hospital. The two patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit are in serious but stable condition. Among them is the 17-year-old daughter of one of the women transported to Sofia.

The truck driver was charged with the accident near Lesovo.

“They have multiple trauma. One of the patients was transfused yesterday, he is anesthetized and is in a calm state. I can affirm this categorically,” said Dr. Valentin Valchev – Deputy Director of MHAT “St. Panteleimon” – Yambol.

Miraculously, Rumina, 22, has no serious injuries. She and her mother travel to a market in Edirne. He claims that the bus driver was not wrong. “I usually don’t remember anything because I slept most of the time.” When he saw that there was a truck, he reacted immediately to the front, but it was very slippery, there was no better way to react than that, “he said.

After the accident, other people helped Rumina get off the bus. “Obviously I felt bad or passed out, I don’t remember anything. I remember being next to the car,” he said.

The day after the incident, the doctors explained that the quick and good organization, together with the Ministry of Health, was of the utmost importance to the victims. “I want to take advantage of the air to thank all the colleagues who responded here yesterday. We are talking about resuscitation, orthopedic and surgical teams, because it is not possible for one team to deal with so many victims, ”said Dr. Valentin Valchev.

THE TRAGEDY NEAR LESOVO: What is the state of the wounded?

Today, the Yambol prosecutor’s office extended to 72 hours the immobilization measure of the driver of the heavy truck with Ukrainian license plates. Becian Octavian, a 51-year-old Moldovan citizen, has been charged with causing the death of more than one person in an accident.

“At the time of the accident, there was no reason for this freight train to be at this location,” said supervising prosecutor Milen Bozhidarov.

According to the law, a prison sentence of 5 to 20 years is foreseen for the crime committed.

Reporter: Tsetsa Aleksova

FATAL COLLISION: 3 victims, 16 injured in a collision between a truck and a bus near Lesovo (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

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