BAS Virologist: We still don’t know how dangerous the new strain is


Prof. Radostina Alexandrova

The new strain appeared in September, it was identified in early October, but what worried UK health authorities is its further spread, she explained to BAS BNT virologist Professor Radostina Alexandrova.

In early December, more than 1,000 people were reported to be infected with the new strain in eastern and southern England. On September 14, the Ministry of Health announced this variant of the virus.

The new strain has 17 changes. So far, an average of 7, 8, 10 have been detected. Very rarely have isolates been detected with more isolates. We still don’t know how important it is and how dangerous it is. First, you have to show that you really have a connection and are responsible for this increased morbidity in the south and east of England. Very serious research is needed to show to what extent it is related to the immune response, explained Professor Alexandrova.
