BAS: The COVID-19 vaccine will have a lasting effect


We can counter COVID-19 with vaccines. The vaccine will be long-lasting and long-lasting. The director of the Institute of Microbiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences assured this Prof. Penka Petrova on the morning block from BTV.

According to her all other illnesses due to coronavirus are currently being neglected. Worryingly, she said during the last weeks of November there has been a double increase in deaths, This is due to the poor health of the population, but also to COVID-19 itself.

What humanity can do to return to a normal lifestyle is to get vaccinated, insisted Prof. Petrova. It is surprising that people are at risk of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, given that vaccines have eradicated deadly diseases.

“I wonder why the population is skeptical. Vaccines are not new and companies have experience in making vaccines against other coronaviruses, “said Professor Petrova.

A vaccine that is not safe cannot appear on the market, says Dr. Simidchiev.

A vaccine that is not safe cannot appear on the market, says Dr. Simidchiev.

According to him, the vaccine reduces possible complications by 10,000 times

according to her there are no risk groups that cannot be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Not everyone needs to be vaccinated, like young children, who catch the virus quickly. Doctors, teachers, and people at risk for chronic diseases should get vaccinated first. explained Prof. Penka Petrova.

He specified that the vaccines will go through all the legalization stages and after reviewing all the documents and permits, only then will the vaccine come into use. The vaccine will fully protect against infection., assured Professor Petrova and pointed out that the effects of it in the first days can be fever, mild headache, and soreness at the vaccination site.

No serious side effects have been reported from the COVID-19 vaccine, and if there are, they will not be related to the action of the vaccine, said Professor Petrova.

If the vaccine is licensed, no additional documents need to be signed. If the vaccine has passed all the permits, it will be absolutely safe, it was clear from his words.

He noted that the situation is currently the most worrying. We rest in the summer and I hope that the measures taken in two weeks will calm the health system, hopes Prof. Petrova. She is of the opinion that the population has already been trained on how to protect themselves from the virus, but it is estimated that 80% of asymptomatic patients have already been denied.

Only 17% of those infected are asymptomatic, which means that all have symptoms. Let’s be careful not to put our loved ones at risk. People need to isolate themselves if they feel bad, called Prof. Petrov.

according to her the state should have taken over the tests earlier and GPs should have given instructions to the AKPs long ago. We were late with AKP testing and missed early diagnosis, admitted and insisted on timely preparation when purchasing vaccines.

The Bulgarian vaccine is being developed very intensively and is a cocktail of antigens. The results can what to expect for the new yearwhen you need to be ready and then start experiments on animals and humans.
