Austria faces a third tougher block


According to the Agency for Food Safety and Health (CAA), 554 out of 100,000 people have recently been infected in the last week. The figures are especially high in the provinces of Vorarlberg (850 per 100,000) and Upper Austria (810). A significant increase was also observed in Vienna and Carinthia.

According to the AZSP, the coronavirus has killed 1,574 people in Austria. There are currently 3,800 people hospitalized, 546 of them in intensive care.

Austria announced a second lockdown

All hospitals in Tyrol are postponing planned operations. There is no general data on the number of delayed surgeries, as each hospital assesses its capabilities and how many beds to reserve for the growing number of coronavirus patients. Emergency operations are carried out in all hospitals. A special concern of the government is the danger of reaching the limits of medical personnel.

In October, the Austrian Statistical Office reported an increase in the number of deaths. Since the beginning of the coronary crisis, the number of deaths has been reported weekly. In the week of October 17, 1762, he died, and the following week the number increased to 1872, 25 percent more than the average for the last five years. The cause of death is not yet known, but the number of coronavirus-infected deaths is known to have risen dramatically since mid-October.

These alarming trends are at the center of the Austrian government’s decision to impose tougher measures to combat the epidemic. They will be announced at a press conference tomorrow afternoon, but the electronic editions of newspapers, radio and television already announce that a 24-hour ban on leaving the house will be imposed.

The new stricter lockdown will be very similar to the one in March (the second lockdown was announced on October 31). People will have the right to leave home only to go to work, take a walk, or buy basic necessities.

The media reported that the stores would be closed. An exception will be made for pharmacies, supermarkets, drugstores and banks.

The advisability of closing schools for children under 14 is still being debated. High school and college students are already learning online.

Preliminary data indicates that the lockdown will last until December 8. It is expected that tomorrow afternoon it will be clear whether these measures will take effect on Tuesday, when Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kutz officially announces the government’s measures to stop the epidemic.
