Atypical Heart Attack Symptom – ᐉ Curious • News about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Myocardial infarction kills thousands of people each year. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It occurs when blood flow to the heart is interrupted by a blood clot that blocks a coronary artery that feeds the heart. If immediate medical attention is not sought or the heart attack is severe, the result is fatal. The lethal end is surmountable, and the heart attack, we treat it if we act in a timely manner, writes

However, to call 112, you need to know the first warning signs of an impending heart attack, as well as the first symptoms of one. Modern treatment helps not only to save the life of the patient, but also to minimize damage to the heart.

Warning signs

Sometimes a heart attack happens suddenly, with no warning signs. However, there are often symptoms of impending problems hours, days, or even weeks before a heart attack. Among them are recurrent chest pain, caused by exertion or effort and resting gait, maintenance of high blood pressure and others.

High cholesterol or being overweight combined with angina (pain when exercising or going out in the cold) are serious warning signs. Ignoring such complaints and risk factors can cost lives.

First symptoms of a heart attack

The symptoms of a heart attack differ significantly in strength and totality in different people, but there are still the traditional ones that force us to dial the emergency number. These are: pain in the heart and chest, radiating to the jaw, shoulder and abdomen, paleness, nausea, shortness of breath, sweating with cold sweat. Among these symptoms, chest pain is the most common, but be aware that it can range from mild to severe and lead to loss of consciousness. It is accompanied by a feeling of fear. Cyanosis of the lips or extremities can also occur. In some patients, the pain is preceded by tightness in the chest.

It is especially dangerous if you feel arrhythmia and palpitations at this time. This portends a severe heart attack, as irregular heartbeats cause an even worse supply of blood and oxygen not only to the heart but also to all tissues and organs.

Possible symptoms are nausea and vomiting. Changes in the pulse affect the medulla oblongata and there is irritation of the centers in it, resulting in nausea and vomiting, which can be fountain-shaped.

First aid at home

In addition to calling 112, it is important to take an aspirin and a nitroglycerin pill, which will help the doctors arrive. In the event of a heart attack, it is essential to act quickly, the first 2 hours are crucial.

Atypical symptom

Knowing about rare and atypical symptoms can save lives. A symptom that occurs infrequently and that is rarely recognized by people as problematic and related to the heart and the danger that has arisen from it, are acids. Of course, not all heartburn portends a heart attack, but when the symptom is combined with other more familiar and typical ones, the examination should not be delayed.
