At the third peak, municipalities can close restaurants and schools (Obzor)


Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov and Ivaylo Filipov, Head of Information Services, presented the electronic record to record an appointment for a vaccine. PHOTO: RUMYANA TONEVA

In Burgas, the planned admission is canceled, followed by Sofia, Kyustendil, Vratsa and Pleven, the health authorities recommend

In a week, patients jumped almost twice, attributing it to the British version

Decisions to toughen measures against the coronavirus, such as the new closure of restaurants, schools and shopping centers, will now be made by municipal and district headquarters, not by the government.

This local approach to management in the third peak was chosen by the national headquarters and the Ministry of Health, explained Health Minister Kostadin Angelov.

COVID-19 patients have nearly doubled in just one week, from 156 to 285 per 100,000 residents. 300 patients per 100,000 was the increased threshold at which headquarters planned to tighten measures again.

The reason for acting locally is that there is a big difference in morbidity. 487 per 100,000 is the highest in Kyustendil and 26 the lowest in Targovishte, which is the only area with a yellow code, not red.

It was also introduced

new indicator –

ratio of

newly infected


the curing,

it was clear from Angelov’s words. Last week, the ratio was 3 infected to 1 cured, and now it is 2: 1.

“The occupancy of beds has not increased throughout the country, but only in certain areas. We are discussing the application of a local approach to anti-epidemic measures and pandemic control in these places,” said the minister.

Pleven, Vratsa, Sofia-city and Burgas are the districts in addition to Kyustendil with a morbidity of around 400, and in the last two it is slightly lower: 362 per 100,000 inhabitants.

However, in Burgas they are already introducing the first stricter measure: the postponement of admission and planned operations in hospitals, announced the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev. He recommended that the other 4 districts follow this example, as in Sofia it may not be for all hospitals.

The spread of the infection is due to the widespread spread of the British strain, according to health authorities.

When asked by 24 Chasa what percentage of positive cases are due to this type of virus and if there are areas where its spread is concentrated, there was no response. Minister Angelov explained only that

To Germany

It has been sent

600 samples for


but results

not yet

So far, there is no confirmation from Germany and France on the possibility of providing us with COVID-19 vaccines, said the director of the Executive Agency for Medicines Bogdan Kirilov. The talks were announced by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on Monday.

105,300 doses of the Pfizer / Bayontek vaccine are scheduled to arrive in March, with the first delivery arriving on Monday.

More than 85,000 doses of Moderna are expected, Bogdan Kirilov said.

The information on AstraZeneca is for 300 thousand doses, and we have final confirmation for the first two deliveries by March 12, he added.

Vaccine registration is now electronic

The appointment for immunization at one of the 352 vaccination points is now done electronically.

On the site in 4 easy steps and in less than 2 minutes everyone can register for the vaccination on the day, time and place of their choice, as well as indicate what type of vaccine they prefer – RNA or adenovirus.

The first possible date for registration is March 11, and there will be selection options up to two weeks in advance, explained Ivaylo Filipov, head of Information Services, in the presentation of the vaccination registry. In the registry, names, PINs, as well as a telephone or email will be entered, which will receive confirmation and reminders 24 hours before the vaccination. They will also be used for feedback in case of any problems. The registry will also send a reminder to those already vaccinated for the second dose if they have given a phone or email.

An informed consent form can also be downloaded from the site. There is also an option to cancel the time.

“The purpose of this system is to put order in the green corridors, as well as to be able to predict the quantities of vaccines needed for each immunization station,” explained Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

If a person has not booked an appointment through the system, they can still queue in front of the vaccination point, but people with an appointment will have an advantage. If someone does not come, those who wait will be vaccinated without pre-registration.

The time reserved does not guarantee 100% immunization, because it depends on the deliveries and quantities available. The final choice of the type of vaccine will be made after an examination at the station. If a person still insists on a specific vaccine, which cannot be given at this time for one reason or another, they can refuse and make another appointment.
