At school for 2 days until Christmas


New learning schedules after November 27

This week the Ministry of Education and Science decides on the masks in class and the extension of the year

12 million BGN for disinfection

Each school will make a schedule until Christmas to alternate face-to-face and distance learning, after the Ministry of Education and Science and the crisis headquarters in the field send specific guidelines on which classes to study. This is what the Minister of Education, Krassimir Valchev, told Trud.

What classes will return after November 27, when the order of the Minister of Health expires to students from the 6th to the 12th class across the country to learn from home, as well as whether wearing masks in class and changing holidays will be part of the proposals that will be discussed this week at the MES meetings.

“We are still far from the option of studying in the summer, we have reservations in the study plans and study time. We hope that in a week or two the values ​​and the pressure on the health system will fall and then the schedules will change, “said Valchev.

Meanwhile, the directors look at the Christmas schedules day by day and week by week.
“Local decisions are very important, not regulations for the whole country. It is good for each of the schools, taking into account the absences of teachers in particular, to make a schedule of one week, not more than two, with the return of individual classes. The whole school will not return, there will be no gathering of more than 30-40% of the students, “Diyan Stamatov, director of the 119th Sofia University in the capital, explained to” Trud.

He gave an example with the fact that in his school in the first two days of the week you can study 10th, 11th and 12th grade, followed by two days – 8th, 9th. and tenth grade, followed by sixth and seventh grade and finally fifth grade.

“With each passing day, the number of teachers who take a positive test changes enormously. If tomorrow there are three or four colleagues of this type, because many call from today to tomorrow, and even if they only have flu-like symptoms , things change enormously, “explained Stamatov.

Meanwhile, teachers who want a change in approach to schools during a pandemic are proposing the option of distance learning three weeks a month and one in private until the end of December.

Then come the worst weeks: January and February, when much of the system will have to move to an electronic environment due to the accumulation of influenza viruses and coronaviruses.

The Ministry of Education and Science is about to allocate BGN 12.5 million to schools that have exhausted their funds for disinfectants and materials to comply with anti-epidemic measures. This should happen with the 2020 budget update early next month.

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40% of students in an electronic environment

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Learning in front of a screen very quickly demotivates students in our country, 40% of them already participate remotely.

Currently, more than 1,250 schools, out of 2,600, have not found the coronavirus. According to decisions of the regional and municipal headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, 40% of students are trained in an electronic environment. According to the decision of the schools, around 4.5% of the students have passed the training in an electronic environment, including 74 schools that have suspended face-to-face classes in the initial stage.

At the same time, an online education petition was launched by all students to control the epidemic situation, which until yesterday had collected more than 400 signatures.

The Union of Employers in the public education system offers:

Students to replace in kindergartens

Don’t form groups

Parents will be able to go out and pick up their children by entering the building and communicating with the teachers.

Parents of children must regain access to kindergarten buildings, as well as urgently attract students of pedagogical specialties as substitutes for teachers and educators, and this must be respected by universities for practice, as in schools . This is part of the proposals made by the Employers Union in the public education system on difficulties in daycare under COVID-19 conditions.

According to them, the limited communication and interaction with the children’s families, due to the prohibition of parents from entering the garden building, makes the processes one-way and inefficient. So they insist that families be able to go back inside to go and pick up their children and talk to teachers.

It is also stated that it is good for the quarantine of teachers and to let the group go on a half-day basis and not allow the formation of collective groups. The latter should be an option when there are no children, when their number is below the normative definition.
