: Associate Professor Mangarov without mask on the bus :: Monitor.bg


Adjunct professor Mangarov without mask on the bus

A Telegraph reader caught him in violation, Facebook stated his post was misleading

Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov does not comply with the measures introduced across the country against the coronavirus. Our reader caught the passage of a famous doctor while traveling without a mask on public transport, he writes in today’s “Telegraph” issue.

“Mangarov boarded bus 310 from Stochna Gara in the direction of Lyulin district on Thursday shortly after 8 pm He sat in the back seat of the half-empty bus next to a group of young gypsy women who were talking loudly and also without masks. Only one older man wore a mask, but in the familiar bib style, placed under his nose.After making two stops on the flight, Mangarov got off at the stop on Hristo Botev Blvd., from where he transferred to a streetcar, again without putting on a mask, “the reader told the Telegraph.

Meanwhile, Facebook again “censored” the associate professor, marking his post as incorrect and misleading. In the post, Associate Professor Mangarov shows a study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and writes: “70.6% of patients (with symptoms) have always worn a mask. 3.9 % has never used a mask “.

In fact, however, the CDC data covers only the period from July 1 to July 29, and the cited 70 percent is just 108 people. That’s why Facebook is alarmed by Mangarov’s post: “Independent fact-checkers say there is no context to this information and it could mislead people.” Regarding the masks, however, the associate professor is consistent and since the beginning of the epidemic says that he does not see any benefit in them.

However, this is not the case with the tests, which at first said they should be massive, but today he says they are meaningless, unless there are symptoms. As we have already written, the doctor was invited by BNT presenter Georgi Lyubenov, who announced that he was infected with a coronavirus and called all contacts with him to get tested. This was done by the former Minister of Health Dr. Petar Moskov, who published his negative result on social networks. However, in turn, Adjunct Professor Mangarov stated that he has no intention of being examined.
