Associate Professor Kunchev: With the growth of COVID cases there may be additional measures – Diseases


In case of a prolonged increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus, it is possible to introduce new measures, the Head of State Health Inspection, Prof. Angel Kunchev, told Horizont.    Angel KunchevDr. Angel Kunchev was born in Simeonovgrad. He completed his secondary education at Vasil High School.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 12934

436 are the new confirmed cases of the last day in which 5,431 PCR tests were performed. This is the highest number per day since the start of the pandemic. 8 people died, 131 were cured, a total of 971 patients remained in the hospital and 57 in intensive care units.

According to the state’s chief health inspector, Associate Professor Angel Kunchev the high number of new infections is mainly due to the wave that started in Europe about 3 weeks ago.

“Obviously this is the long-awaited second wave of autumn.” Another question is how fast it will develop, how intense it will be, so that we do not allow the health system to be so overwhelmed that it cannot meet the demand for medical care. , He said.

With a further increase in those infected with COVID-19 in our country, it is possible to introduce additional measures, added Associate Professor Kunchev, clarifying: “Of course, any additional restrictions, if this growth rate continues, should be discussed and introduced. but I immediately want to assure you that in no way will you follow the pattern of spring with the blockade of the large settlements. “

Regarding the large number of hospitalized patients, Associate Professor Kunchev said that at this point there is no danger to the health system, since at this stage about 10-12% of the beds designated for COVID-19 are occupied.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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