Angelov hours after vaccination: no change, I feel fine!


Health Minister Professor Kostadin Angelov, who became the first person to be immunized against the coronavirus in our country, is doing well.

“It all depends on the individual sensitivity of each individual, their reactivity and the willingness of the immune system to deal with the immunogen introduced into the body through a vaccine. I did not find any of the expected reactions, I feel good,” he said in the Program. minutes “on bTV.

Angelov also said there were no changes to watch for, including any pain at the injection site.

The minister clarified that there is no problem for people to be vaccinated with both the flu vaccine and the vaccine against COVID-19, because the two are compatible.

According to him, the number of people who want to be vaccinated increases with each passing day.

“Which means that reason begins to prevail over emotions, fear gives way to hope, because people understand that this is the only salvation to return to a normal way of life,” explained Professor Angelov, adding that will insist on any of the manufacturing companies to answer the questions of the Bulgarian citizens.

“We have tried to ensure the entire delivery route for the vaccines, as well as the delivery temperature. The truck that delivered the vaccines maintains the same temperature as the truck that delivered them to Europe. In no way do jokes seem appropriate to me. On the contrary, they hesitate and touch the fears of many Bulgarian citizens, ”said the Minister of Health in relation to the delivery of vaccines in our country by truck for sausages.

The next deliveries will be made with refrigerated trucks from the manufacturer of the preparation “Pfizer” and the quantities will go directly to the special freezers of the responsible sanitary inspections in the country.

He expects the vaccination campaign to end by the end of 2021 and cover 70% of Bulgarian society.

Today alone, a total of 672 doctors have been vaccinated against COVID-19: 267 people in Sofia, another 280 in Plovdiv and 125 people in Burgas have been vaccinated.

The vaccination continues in the following days.
