And young people to study online, health authorities are considering (Summary)


With the increase in the number of infected in our country, it is expected that young students will switch back to online education, as was the case in spring. PHOTO: LILY KLISUROVA

Sofia’s kindergartens will continue to operate

Keeping pace with patients will give more tightening, but no lock

Young students in grades 1-7 should also switch to online learning. This will probably be the next hardening measure that health authorities will take if those infected in our country continue to grow at the same rate.

“It is very likely that measures will also be imposed on younger students. If the data shows that it is necessary, they will change remotely,” announced on Wednesday the Head of State Health Inspection, Prof. Angel Kunchev.

According to him, it is possible to further toughen the measures, but without reaching a “blockade”. The evening is not very effective, but

by municipalities, yes


headquarters can

to present it, he added to bTV.

“If this is the case, there will surely be a prolongation of the state of emergency. I don’t like to make forecasts, but I look at what happens in Europe. There is a much more difficult situation there, for example in the Czech Republic,” Kunchev commented. Si we do not take appropriate action, we may have and

5-6 thousand


the case of the day, “he added.

At the moment it is not necessary to close kindergartens and nurseries in Sofia. However, if the number of new patients continues to increase, it is possible that younger students will also go to online training, confirmed the possible next step later in the day yesterday and the mayor of the capital, Yordanka Fandakova. However, this had to be done carefully and in stages.

No new measures are planned in Sofia at the moment, Fandakova added. We have to wait a few days to see if the ones already introduced affect the number of patients.

“During the last 24 hours, we have 1,085 recently infected people in Sofia. However, we noticed something positive: those hospitalized are 35 people less than the day before, but three more are housed in intensive care units. All this data can not leave I hope that all citizens are actively involved in the implementation of the measures, “he appealed. Already 20 police teams are verifying compliance with the measures in public transport and the subway. On Tuesday 6 minutes and 35 police orders were drawn up .

They have also been checked

more than 750

Fandakova announced that there are sick employees not only in the subway. There were also infected and quarantined in the municipal police, currently five.

In the three municipal hospitals where coronavirus patients are treated, the capacity is already full. Fandakova gave the example of Vtora Gradska, where extra beds have been opened, but there are no medical staff to care for the sick.
