Ananiev: The opening of the shopping malls will be one of the latest measures.


The opening of the shopping centers will be one of the last measures we will take. East
declared today the Minister of Health, Kiril Ananiev, before the session of the Legal Committee in the National Assembly, in which the Health Law will be considered in second reading.

According to him, he talks about when and when stores will reopen
in shopping malls they are not yet carried out.

We remind you that in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health, issued today, eVisits to the cinema, with an occupation that does not exceed 30% of the maximum capacity.

Asked if the relaxation of the measures would not lead to proliferation
of the infection, Ananiev said that it was clearly established in the order that everyone should be obeyed
Anti-epidemic measures and social distance should not be allowed directly.
contact and closeness between people.

Ananiev did not comment on the proposal that the cabinet introduce anti-epidemic measures, and not the Minister of Health. “It just came to our notice then
a number of parliamentarians, including various parliamentary groups, “he said.

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Tags: measures opening Kiril Ananiev shopping malls cinema
