An interesting detail about the new vaccine came from Plovdiv.



RHI reports a decrease in the incidence of Kovid-19 during the last two weeks in Plovdiv and the district. To date, it is 549.2 per 100,000 inhabitants. The data were announced and discussed at the Medical Headquarters held today in the regional government, where the epidemic situation and the organization for the next immunization against the coronavirus were discussed.

The meeting was attended by the Director of RHI, Dr. Vanya Tancheva and Prof. Dr. Mariana Murdzheva. At the suggestion of Dani Kanazireva, Prof. Murdzheva will join the medical staff starting today.

“In the coming days, correct and reliable information is very important, because everyone must make a decision for themselves. On that I will build, a lot on the undeniable professional potential of each member of the Medical Staff, ”said the district governor.

During the meeting, Dr. Tancheva announced that for the Plovdiv district, 3,682 out of 12,695 medical specialists are subject to vaccination, representing 29%. The greatest interest is in pre-hospital care: almost 50 percent of specialists and jeeps have expressed a desire to be vaccinated.

Dr. Tancheva clarified that these are initial data and can be updated in the preparation process for the implementation of the first phase of the Vaccination Plan. He added that lists have already been drawn up for medical establishments in hospital and outpatient care, and work is being done on the organization itself for the vaccination of priority groups.

Professor Murdzheva added that after the first delivery of doses of the vaccine, developed by Pfizer and Biontech, the immunization of interested doctors, dentists, health professionals, pharmacists and others working in the system will begin.

“There is sufficient well-established evidence that this vaccine causes both the production of antibodies and the production of immune cells. Furthermore, it is known exactly who these cells are,” explained Professor Murdzheva.

According to her, the only way to stop the epidemic is vaccination, because when our immune system is already prepared, at the next meeting with this virus, it will neutralize it.

“This is the so-called secondary immunity, which is the meaning of all vaccines. Humanity knows many of these vaccines and epidemics that have been suppressed thanks to vaccines: smallpox has disappeared, mass vaccination has led to a drastic reduction and drastic of polio, diphtheria and pertussis measles and mumps – also decreased, tuberculosis and her. I can give many more examples – hepatitis “B”, commented Professor Murdzheva and said that she will be immunized personally. The doctor and the regional governor made a similar request.

The director of the Plovdiv Military Medical Academy, Professor Angel Gozmanov, announced that the hospital has established the necessary organization for the storage of the vaccine and for the immunization of working doctors and, at a later stage, of those who wish to join the army.

According to the doctors, members of the Ministry of Health, despite the reported decrease in positive samples, we must not calm down and we must all observe the anti-epidemic measures.

The directors of the two university hospitals “St. George” and “Kaspela”, Professor Karen Dzhambazov and Professor Ilian Doikov, specified that the number of serious cases is increasing, since many of those hospitalized require oxygen therapy and the most serious reach intubation.

Dr. Ivan Stoynov commented that since the beginning of December there has been some reduction in pressure on the Emergency Service. Both the online tracking system for free beds in covid wards and beds reserved only for hospitalized patients in ambulances have a positive effect on this. As a result, there are no longer any cases of ambulances being returned or referred from one hospital to another.
