An actor was arrested for throwing eggs at the Minister of Health – Criminal


Actor Daniel Mihailov, who was fired from the Gabrovo Theater, was arrested today for throwing eggs at the Minister of Health Dr. Kostadin Angelov.

Two young people met today in Plovdiv in the minister’s car with a sign “Quit, murmur”. The second participant in the action, who has 24 criminal records, was also detained, BTV reported.

Plovdiv Health Minister was shot with eggs

“This happens when you try to fight for a better future: repression. First they fired me from the theater because I am going to protests, now they will take me to the district, I have no criminal acts,” Mihailov commented in a video posted on the Facebook group ” Plovdiv protests ”.

A few hours ago he was fired from the Gabrovo theater

Posted by Didsh Tsvetkova on Thursday Oct 8, 2020

Long live the coat of arms and Boyko Borissov and democracy

Posted by Jeliazko Belov on Thursday, October 8, 2020

Posted by Russian Club on Thursday, October 8, 2020
