Adjunct Professor Mangarov’s salary cut in half


Adjunct Professor Atanas Mangarov has been receiving half a salary at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases for the second month in a row, he said.

This was made clear in an interview with the infectious disease specialist on the “Antidote” program on BSTV. When asked why, he replied, “Well, they don’t like me.”

In response to my urgent questions yesterday, Associate Professor Mangarov did not say why the management of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases kept him on half salary for the second month. The only explanation he gave me was that “the director cannot breathe.” risking your life and working on the front line during a pandemic, being harassed in a public hospital, being private, doing whatever they want, but for abominations committed in a public hospital, financed out of the pockets of taxpayers, the government and In particular , the Minister of Health must respond. The issue must be presented to the National Assembly, “wrote its host Julia Al Hakim after the broadcast.

“You can think what you want of him, you can deny, hate and whistle, but this is unacceptable and extremely immoral. We are talking about a doctor who is on the front line, because Mangarov in the eye of the storm became the head of KOVID – ward of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases. And what did he get for him? Half salary, “commented the husband of the host of” Antidot “- MP Alexander Simov. He threatened to submit a question to the Minister of Health on this matter immediately after the National Assembly holidays.
