Adjunct Professor Angel Kunchev with the Latest Information on Vaccines – Diseases


The Chief State Health Inspector and member of the National Operations Headquarters Association (NSS), Prof. Angel Kunchev, provided the latest information on vaccination. He visited Plovdiv today to monitor the coronavirus vaccination process there. Discussions have been announced with the government to coordinate the process of monitoring the effect of the vaccine. Funding will also be sought for the creation of a specific system for this.

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According to Kunchev, anyone can report an adverse reaction. He said there would be a system of contraindications. The effectiveness of the vaccine itself will be monitored. This must be done within three months. Not only will the antibodies be controlled, but also the cellular immunity that will be created.

“The vaccine shows a very good safety profile,” Kunchev said.

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The first phase of immunization is in hospitals, then it will go on to vaccination in social homes. Then the process will be more complicated with the provision of mobile equipment.

Starting tomorrow, the actual number of vaccinated must be taken into account.

Associate Professor Kunchev recalled that after immunization everyone receives a special card with information about it.

“We need to see how long the vaccine protects us, how effective it is and what side effects it has. At least 1,000 people must be monitored in our country. Contact group tests will be done every two months, six months, one year and two. years later Kunchev explained that very few weak reactions have been recorded so far, mainly pain at the injection site. So far, the vaccine has a very good safety profile. Follow-up is expected to start in April, coinciding with the mass immunization. “Kunchev said.

The start of vaccination in our country was given by the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov, who is vaccinated in “St. Anna”. After him, Bishop Tikhon did the same. The Chief of the National Operations Staff and Director of the Military Medical Academy, Major General Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski and the Director of Pirogov Prof. Asen Baltov were also among the first to be vaccinated.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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