Adjunct Professor Angel Kunchev: The work of the establishments should be limited to 10 pm


We must extend the measures after November 12, said the state’s chief health inspector, Prof. Angel Kunchev.

According to him, the work of the establishments should be limited to 22 hours after a dialogue with the branch, as well as the current work in the office to 50%.

In other areas, to move to online learning for all students and to stop extracurricular activities for all students, there are the other recommendations that Kunchev made.

According to him, universities should bet entirely on distance education, and there should be an exception only for the exercises of medical students.

For people over 65, the Chief Sanitary Inspector proposed the introduction of a “green corridor” for purchases from 8 am to 10 pm

And for doctors, in case of contact with a sick person, the quarantine should be lifted in case of a negative test, three days after contact. The other proposal from Adjunct Professor Angel Kunchev is that the Health Minister send medical specialists, so that out-of-hospital care doctors get involved in the fight against the coronavirus.

Only three districts are still in the orange zone: Vidin, Dobrich and Silistra, all the others are in the red zone, that is. we have more than 120 patients per 100,000, explained associate professor Kunchev. He noted that the Dobrich region, where the situation was very difficult, is currently in relatively good condition after the measures taken.

In terms of morbidity, we are 17th out of 30 countries in the EU and the European Economic Area and 4th in the Balkan Peninsula, Associate Professor Angel Kunchev announced.

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