A young man died while waiting for an ambulance.


A young man infected by the coronavirus died after waiting for hours for an ambulance and a place in the hospital. NOVA learned of another similar case from relatives of the deceased. The death of man occurs in the context of another black record in the development of the pandemic in our country. Doctors point out that the health system is already overloaded.

The 33-year-old man has been in home quarantine in relatively good condition for days. Until yesterday at noon, when it deteriorated sharply. He calls his brother, who comes to the front of the apartment. It does not go up immediately, but calls 112:

“And from there we started to wait … After an hour, an hour and something we called again to say that it was beginning to get worse,” said the brother of the deceased.

The ambulance managed to go to the address … 4 hours later.

“The signal was received at 6:41 p.m., we were at the scene at 22 hours and 28 minutes. Unfortunately, the team has determined the death of this young man, ”said CSMP spokeswoman Katya Sungarska.

When he learned that the ambulance would be delayed, the brother of the deceased boy called another, a private one. At the same time, he managed to find a free bed in a hospital, where they agreed to see his brother. However, they never get there, and instead he has to go up to the apartment and provide first aid himself.

“I did not go up until he was unconscious. He was not breathing, he had no pulse,” said the deceased’s brother.

An ambulance found a phone for COVID-19

They arrived from the private ambulance at the time, but their attempts to help were unsuccessful.

“They were already resurrecting when I arrived. Both of them. One was doing a heart massage, the other was breathing. I joined the heart massage, but 10 minutes later we stopped, ”said Anton Dimov, who arrived by private ambulance.

The Ministry of Health has launched an investigation into the case. The Emergency Service admitted that behind the hours of waiting for an ambulance there are hundreds of signals that literally flood 112:

“Just for this duty I can say that we had 418 signs, of which 200 for COVID-19 and 16 hospitalizations,” Sungarska said.

An extraordinary number of teams work in “Emergency” – Sofia

Against the background of staff shortages on the front line, GPs demanded more powers, as at the moment they could not help patients with COVID-19 symptoms with anything, admitted the vice president of the Medical Union Dr. Branzalov :

“So far, we have received information after a patient has been tested. It goes up to the National Information System and from there the GP sees it,” says Dr. Branzalov.

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