A paramedic was infected with COVID-19 six days after receiving the vaccine from the US.


A 45-year-old paramedic from San Diego (USA) tested positive for the new coronavirus just six days after being immunized with the first dose of Pfizer.

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According to the US media, Matthew L. was injected with the drug Pfizer / Biontech on December 18, and his only illness until then was in the area where the vaccine was applied.

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However, six days later, the paramedic, at the end of his duty at the medical center where he worked, suddenly felt exhausted and had muscle aches. He decided to get a rapid test for a coronavirus, which came back positive.

Regarding the case, health experts recalled that the vaccine cannot have an immediate effect after the first dose, but it will take some time.

Clinical trials show that antibodies start to form as early as the 10th day of vaccination or on the 14th day at the latest, San Diego Health Center infectious disease specialist Christian Reimers told KGTV.

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Even after these ten or 14 days, the patient will get an immunity of about 50 percent, so it is important to set the second dose, with which the immunity will increase to 95 percent. Only after the second dose will the immunization process be completed, Reimers added.

All on the subject:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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