A doctor who has cured hundreds: Alcohol and garlic are safe medicines! – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


A general practitioner who cured hundreds of proven or suspected COVID-19 patients in November advised how to spend the holidays safely. Dr. Emil Enchev believes that home gatherings of no more than a dozen people will provide a safe environment, BGNES reports.

Sauerkraut, garlic, raw vegetables and citrus fruits should be present at the table. Concentrated alcohol in moderation, according to him, is a safe prevention against infections.

“As in the ordinance – ten to fifteen people I think is a good number! As I also suffered from this disease, I must tell you that I have had many contacts with these types of people, in the end – careful, careful, but something happens … I can’t! But the distance between us, 1 meter, is enough to prevent the disease. In my opinion, the infection is mainly due to money and closer contact when spraying secretions, “said Dr. Emil Enchev.

A doctor who has cured hundreds: Alcohol and garlic are safe medicines!

During his 23-year practice in the village of Radanovo, Dr. Enchev has observed which foods definitely fight respiratory infections. “Sauerkraut is vitamin C, in any case combined with army soup. Man’s best friend at the moment, in my opinion, is garlic. I recommend absolutely all garlic, even the recipe my friend shared – two heads, but I say a head of garlic with half a lemon – to drink this thing in the morning – it had a miraculous effect.

Garlic, as you know, has a PH of 15, it forms a base in the body where viruses cannot multiply. And that’s why he kills them. Fruits are also – we said of lemons, bananas, oranges. The menu must be alkaline, since it is created with vegetables, if possible raw; right now it is not the season for tomatoes and cucumbers, but lettuce, radishes and pickles, ”said Dr. Enchev.

On alcohol at the table: We discussed with an acquaintance of mine who was in a gathering in which there was a participant with COVID-19, there were a dozen people at the table, some consumed white and red wine, others highlighted brandy and whiskey, from concentrate. Everyone who drank red and white wine got sick. I’m serious, 50 grams of brandy, really … I’ll tell you just one case, but it’s true. And because of this, all disinfectants are alcohol-based. Because alcohol destroys, it dissolves the virus membrane, Dr. Enchev added.
