A blower killed a businessman in his dream – Criminal


A 69-year-old businessman from Kazanlak died in a fire as a result of a damaged electrical appliance. The incident occurred on the territory of a family property in the village of Sheynovo. The fire signal was given by Mayor Petya Leykova around 9 a.m. on December 22.

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Two teams of firefighters arrived at the scene and managed to locate the outbreak: a habitable van used for some time by Nikolay Kratunov, former president of the RIK cooperative. A search of the remains revealed the man’s half-charred body, believed to have died in his sleep.

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A pre-trial investigation has been launched, re-inspections are underway, at this stage the Kazanlak Police Department does not believe there is any evidence of intent, the cause is assumed to be in a damaged blower.

Kratunov’s name became famous years ago in a criminal case for illegal export of weapons produced by the Beta plant: Cherven Bryag for the then African state of Sudan under embargo. The export took place in 2001, when the Sheynovets cooperative forged documents and exported a “Gvozdika” type self-propelled artillery installation as a bulldozer, writes Monitor.

The case dragged on and ended years later with sentences for Kratunov and factory managers, it was heard by the Pleven court behind closed doors due to classified information in the archives. In 2015, the sentences were reduced by the appellate courts. According to relatives of the deceased, Kratunov was not in good health and even used a wheelchair.

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