A 101-year-old woman was the first to be vaccinated against covid-19 in Germany – Topics in development


me Dit Quoyzala from Halberstadt (Saxony-Anhalt) became the first German to be vaccinated against covid-19.

Vaccination officially started in Germany at 07:00 local time on Sunday, but Kvoytsala, 101, received the first injection of “Comirnaty” on Saturday. This is the official trade name for the vaccine from Biontek and Pfizer.

The woman lives in a nursing home. Other residents and employees were vaccinated there on Saturday.

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In Germany, a total of 442 vaccination centers have been created. In addition, the vaccine will be distributed to mobile groups that will vaccinate in hospitals, homes for the elderly and the disabled.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute, under the Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany, previously presented a program according to which the vaccine must first be received by citizens over 80 years old, residents of nursing homes . and the disabled, as well as the personnel working there, the medical personnel of the intensive care units and the emergency services. In total, this first group includes around 8.6 million people.

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German Health Minister Jens Spahn said there would be enough vaccines for mass vaccination by mid-2021.
