Elections 2021: Chronicle (April 3) – Elections 2021


Adjunct Professor Dimitar Dimitrov

© Julia Lazarova

Adjunct Professor Dimitar Dimitrov

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) does not rule out that voters in quarantine go to the polls and vote.

Everything you need to know about the elections – read here

“The CEC does not deprive anyone of the right to vote. The sanitary measures of the Regional Health Inspections are the
which makes it impossible to exercise it, but everyone can exercise their right to vote at their own risk. “No one can be restricted in their right to vote.” Vote at home.

The CEC does not deprive anyone of the right to vote. Sanitary measures belong to the Regional Sanitary Inspections.

Dimitar Dimitrov,

CEC Spokesperson

Dimitrov clarified that this is because RHIs do not have the right by law to establish the addresses of voters on the occasion of elections, and this can only be done by local administrations in accordance with the procedure outlined in the law.

By law, quarantine offenders are threatened with a fine or a court. According to a publication in the newspaper Sega, which cites information from the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office, in 2020 786 people were convicted of violating the quarantine. Eight people were actually convicted, 244 received conditional sentences and 528 were sentenced to probation.

Dimitrov announced that the number of mobile polls will be announced tomorrow. Data collected by Dnevnik from the largest municipalities, which are also among those hardest hit by the infection, suggest that the ballots will likely put a total of about 2,500 people at the polls, or less than 5% of those who are quarantined. .

How it happened that mandatory voting turned out to be impossible for thousands of people, read here.

A spokesperson for the CEC said that about half of the members of the sectional electoral commissions had received two doses of the vaccine.
