52 died after vaccination with Pfizer in Austria


The number of deaths after vaccination against coronavirus in Austria increased to 55 during the immunization campaign, 52 after the administration of Pfizer / BioNTech.

At the same time, no reliable link has been established between the deaths and the vaccines used, the Federal Health Safety Agency said Tuesday in a report for the reporting period of December 27, 2020 to March 26, 2021. .

The number of reports of suspected side effects after vaccination against coronavirus in Austria increased from 15,790 to 17,280 during the entire follow-up period last week. Most of them fall on the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca: 12,549 messages for the entire vaccination campaign. Second is Pfizer / BioNTech – 4288 messages for various reactions.

In third place is Moderna with 443 messages. Clarified that a single side effect message can contain information on multiple reactions simultaneously.

As noted, natural health complications that are unrelated to vaccination but that lead to death can occur primarily among the most vulnerable adults who are immunized.
