Marta Vachkova and Emil Markov among the actors from the beginning to the end in “Stolen Life”


For several days in a row, Martina Vachkova watches as one of the actors finishes filming “Stolen Life” forever and continues to cry. I will abstain and not cry, the actress tells herself firmly. Also think ahead of time what you will say to your teammates when you film your final scene. And in it, Martina, like her emotionally painful sister heroine Zhekova, does not stop crying. “Okay, cry now that there are no tears in the last words,” says the talented actress. Well, yes, but no. She begins her speech, her voice shakes and tears continue to flow from her eyes. “God, I am a dam of tears, where do I get them from! “I received so much love, warmth and joy during filming that there was no way our emotional separation was not emotional,” the actress told 24 Chasa.

His heroine in the series, the head nurse at the hospital Magda Zhekova, is from the beginning and is a connecting element between all the stories it contains. Through her, Vachkova experiences the fate of another woman, in many ways close to her and in others quite different. “I don’t have the character traits a boss needs. Nurse Zhekova is actually the second most important person in a hospital. She is like an administrative director.” Completing and maintaining documentation is a long way from Martina, so in addition to the heroine, she also acquires such skills. But temperament and emotionality are what unite them the most: Sister Zhekova like Vachkova is very empathetic, she feels sorry for everyone. She gets into all kinds of stories because she wants to help, give advice, an inherent habit of Martha herself. “She is also cute, some viewers call her a gossip. But everything she does is for the good of the hospital and the team. I love her very much, I sympathize with her and, therefore, with all the women who have the problems of the sister Zhekova ”.

Because during the 11 seasons, his heroine really experienced big problems, like loneliness, the difficulty of adopting a child, being lied to by the man she loves, being stolen by the same person and still being able to forgive.

During her long career, Martina has played hundreds of heroines and loves each one. But Zhekova’s role in “Stolen Life” certainly remains emblematic of her. This is largely due to the great love viewers have for her. Martina feels it often: strangers write to her on social media to tell her how much they like her character, and sometimes they stop her like that as she walks down the street. And if she has to go to a real hospital or clinic, the nurses address her with “buddy, buddy.” Very often, she is invited by friendly doctors to become a nurse in their hospital to reinforce it, just like their heroine in “Saint Anastasia.” “They write me such kind words on Facebook and Instagram. I get so much love and support, for which I am very grateful.”

Vachkova still keeps the acrostic in a nice place, which a spectator sent her in a letter last February. It is a 14-line poem, and each new line begins with the next letter on behalf of Martina Vachkova. Eng. Aniela Kostova Georgieva sent it to him with the message “With faith in tomorrow, a modest gift from me.”

Although he’s no longer on set, he still can’t believe “Stolen Life” has come to an end. She is still waiting for the team to call her to tell her what time they will start work tomorrow. You can’t believe your email is blank, there are no letters from the show’s office with the scripts for the new episodes. “I’ve been at such a tight pace for years – I read a script, I take out the scenes in which I participate, my lines. I always write my lines by hand, that’s how I studied my lyrics. And now I still can’t realize that a car doesn’t come to take pictures of me, I’m not learning more lines. Is rare. I have free time and I don’t know what to do, “says Martina.

Neither she nor anyone from the team reveals how the Bulgarian series will end with more episodes on the air. “It is getting more and more dramatic, more and more shocking and with great twists. A very well written script: this is the success of our work.”

Martina is among the six actors of “Stolen Life” from its first episode to the end. ONthe winners are Yanina Kasheva, who plays Dr. Krasteva, Angelina Slavova – screen nurse Neneva, Nikola Mutafov – Dr. Penev, Milena Zhivkova – Dr. Romanova, and Emil Markov, who plays Associate Professor Zahariev. “This means that we have 5 and a half years of our lives left on the show. The feeling is that this time has passed very quickly. But viewers who watch the series know how many stories have been told, how many characters have survived. As time passes, I realize that the hero has become part of me. You gave him something, as he gave it to you, ”explains actor Emil Markov.

He has extensive professional experience prior to appearing on camera for Stolen Life. He performs on stage, has around 20 appearances in foreign productions and has acted in several Bulgarian films. “But at this rate, volume, very emotional things that the characters in the series go through, I haven’t worked. It gives a great mobilization, organization, discipline and a hard experience ”.

Two film crews work on all seasons of the series, the main scenes they shoot are in the corridors of the hospital, which the production company “Dream Team” builds itself.

“My feelings are a bit mixed. On the one hand, we know that one day the series will end, we will not make a soap for 100 years, on the other hand, you are a little sad that it ends. But still, until it ends, nothing will start. more. Whenever you do one thing, you give yourself space and space to start another, “says Markov.

Your hero, Associate Professor Emil Zahariev, has undergone major changes in his personal and professional career. He separated from both his first and second wife. He painfully experienced the death of his first wife. He then became director of the hospital, then resigned and returned to the operating room as one of the proven professionals in obstetrics and gynecology.

The role helps the actor to gain not only significant medical knowledge, but also a clear idea of ​​medical work, with the pros and cons of this complex profession. “I realize what a miracle it is to deal with sick people every day. First, you have to take care of them medically: to cure them and also to support their characters, we are all different! I imagine what workload and what inner strength the doctor must have not to fall into disgust, despair, but to continue working, to take care of other people’s health ”.

Associate Professor Zahariev gives Emil Markov not only an insight into medical life and work, but also the opportunity to go through a variety of relationships and situations. “It is as if I have experienced so many things that otherwise could not have happened to me in normal life. This expands the worldview,” says Markov.

By no means, as in the series of its first episode, the viewers do not recognize it. He sees it both in shy glances and in the smiles of strangers. Sometimes they are afraid to talk to the actor to tell him that he is great, that they like him or how well he plays in the series.

And what will happen to Associate Professor Zahariev in the final? “Ultimately, he will no longer have an affinity for new actions, connections, ambitions,” says only Markov. But this does not mean that your character will remain unhappy. “Maybe for my man to be alone, it will be his happy ending,” hinted the actor.

A total of 507 episodes, 1500 days of shooting, 12 directors, 15 directors of photography, 26 scriptwriters with more than 20 thousand pages of scripts created is the balance after the 11 seasons of “Stolen Life”. “It is a creative process that makes the audience happy, and the numbers are so impressive that we can hardly improve ourselves. We always start projects that give potential for something new,” explained producer Evtim Miloshev to Nova TV.

He directed the last days of filming for the series. This is also the time when none of the team members are in a rush to leave; he knows there is very little magic left and he doesn’t want to miss a second.

So it is with Philip Bukov. “I was sad and I am still sad,” he said. The young actor enters the series in the ninth season as Dr. Hadzhihristev. “He didn’t want the day he knew would be the last to be photographed at Stolen Life.”

Working on the series provides you with valuable professional experience; after all, he entered while still a student at NATFA.

“You pushed me on the show,” Bukov suggests to his colleague Vlado Penev with a laugh.

“But don’t talk like that, please, I’ll get a bad name,” replied screen teacher Tsonev jokingly.

But this is the plain truth. Some time ago, Philip and the other students from Professor Stefan Danailov’s last class were brought to mass in the then new National Theater production “Brothers Karamazov”. Therefore, Bukov met all the actors, including Vlado Penev. He himself starred in Season 6’s “Stolen Life” and sent these same Mass students to audition for the series. Philip is the only one who gets a central role in “Stolen Life” and remains in it until the end.

Its hero, urologist Vladimir Hadzhihristev, is undergoing a serious transformation. If at first he is the bad boy and the villain of the hospital, then he shows that he can do good and love. This causes different reactions in the spectators. For example, shortly after Hadzhihristev entered Santa Anastasia, Filip Bukov did grocery shopping and as he was walking through the store, a woman came up to him, stopped a meter from him and said, “And what rubbish you are! ! “. . “I no longer have such incidents,” laughs the actor. Viewers see her character much better after she fell in love with another favorite character – Sister Kaya Raykova. “I’m happy as long as Hadjihristev doesn’t show his horns again,” smiles Bukov.

He does not prepare in advance what he will say when he shoots his final scene. But he thanks everyone individually, for the opportunity given, for the trust and patience, and for the fact that they taught him everything in the filming process. The connections he makes along with “Stolen Life” are the other valuable thing the series gives him.

The story lines at the end will be closed and the characters will have the freedom to live in the minds of the viewers as they wish. And Philip’s hero Hadzhihristev will reach his happy ending, but at the cost of great obstacles.
