How all the zodiac signs take revenge – тно Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Different representatives of the zodiac signs respond differently to blows against themselves. Some maintain self-control and concentration and don’t even show any reaction to provocations, while others erupt like a volcano, while others embark on hellish plans for revenge. See how each zodiac sign takes revenge and which one is the best to forgive.


For these people, revenge is just a myth. If you anger Aries, you don’t need to expect revenge in days, he will jump on you right now. The angry outbursts they often have are painful for those around them, but at least you won’t expect dirty tricks from them. They say what they think directly in the eyes of the opponent.


You have to be especially irritating to be able to piss off Taurus people. But there will still come a time when they will inevitably get nervous. However, remember that running with bulls will seem like a swan song, compared to revenge for Taurus. Sooner or later, it will give you a hard lesson!


Because they are so resourceful, Geminis show mixed signals, even after a final revenge decision. When they get sick, their behavior is as if nothing bad happened. Make no mistake, they always know a lot more than you think! They will wait for the best moment to attack.


People of this sign are kind, but if you hurt them, they become ruthless in their revenge. They will never give up and cause you pain tens of times stronger than they have felt. Know: they won’t feel any regrets after that! His love turns to hate in seconds.


Like Aries, Leos don’t need long to think before they get revenge. Actions occur the moment they feel hurt or offended. They will go out of their way to make you feel like nothing. The anger of the Leo people is a veritable tsunami.


Definitely one of the most vengeful zodiac signs. If you are wrong with Virgo, apart from the fact that she will not forget it, she will take advantage of all the convenient moments to remind you how guilty you are before her.


They are extremely proud and you can easily hurt them, but they are generally not vindictive. They certainly won’t waste time with hellish plans or black magic. For them, the best self defense is a direct verbal attack; They don’t need more than 5 minutes to “explain” to you who is guilty and who should feel like an idiot.


The absolute leaders on the list of wars and scandals! They are gods of battles, masters of great scandals, lords of battles. There is hardly a more destructive force than a “thorn” than Scorpio. His revenge is long remembered.


Archers don’t take revenge seriously. Compared to other zodiac signs, they know how to forgive better. But you should not overdo it, because you will feel an instant storm. If you hurt them, there is no point in expecting something good from them in the future. They will simply forget you and move on with their life.


If it really hurts them, they can be even more vindictive than Virgo. They will harass you every day, they will make scandals whenever they have the opportunity and they will not stop reminding you for months what you have done wrong to them.


Both Sagittarius and those born under this sign of the zodiac do not like revenge very much. However, if you hurt them, they will just ignore you and point at you. They will erase you from their list of relatives and acquaintances forever. With this, the culprit really loses a good and funny friend.


These people are very easily offended. When someone hurts them, they start saying left and right how bad the person is. They will make sure that because you have acted dishonestly and vilely with them, your entire company, acquaintances near and far, and even those who do not know you, understand.
