Prof. Angelov: We provide 24 hour access to immunization offices – Diseases


We are ready to open vaccination rooms around the clock, said Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov, during a briefing in front of the Alexandrovska Hospital.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 20023

“We have enough AstraZeneca vaccines,” added the Minister of Health. Vaccine selection will be possible when supplies become regular.

Prof. Angelov: Hope is in our hands

The Minister said that at the end of the day he would give instructions to all RHIs in the country, where the queues continue, and at the end of the afternoon to be ready to open 24-hour vaccination offices in large regional cities. The idea is that every Bulgarian citizen who wants to be vaccinated receives a vaccine. The minister assures that there are sufficient quantities of vaccines.

Alexandrovska Hospital director Boris Bogov said there are two vaccination centers at the medical institution and four more will open tomorrow. Since the morning 56 people have passed through them. Around 1,500 people have been vaccinated at Alexandrovska Hospital since December 27. Another 400 people are expected on the list. The difference with the other hospitals is that in the Alexandrovska Hospital an organization for so-called mobile teams has been created, which at the request of various organizations will vaccinate those who wish to do so at the sites, Bonev said.

A queue of people who wanted to get vaccinated huddled in front of the Academy of Military Medicine

According to Minister Angelov, the choice of vaccines is a key moment in the vaccination strategy. People will be able to choose when the regular amounts of vaccines start arriving. As of March 3, we have created an opportunity for electronic registration, it will be possible to choose places for vaccination in these 318 vaccination offices, open in the country and also to indicate a preferred vaccine, said the minister. He said that all vaccines that are used to vaccinate one hundred percent prevent the development of serious diseases and people should be calm.

The minister also said that GPs can choose when to start vaccinations. The organization is already established. The national framework agreement has been signed. We are ready with the mobile teams, they are still working in different parts of the country, said the Minister of Health. He announced that they are negotiating with the Emergency Centers, which will also be included in the vaccination.

Earlier today, Professor Angelov shared important information about vaccines on his personal Facebook profile. See what he announced.

“Thousands want a vaccine!

We will not leave anyone without protection against COVID-19. That is why we provide 24-hour access to the vaccination rooms, if required.

Each district city is ready to create flexible working hours for its centers. They won’t close while there are people willing!

I ordered the vice ministers of health and the state inspector general of health to tour the country today. Your task is the maximum optimization of the vaccination process.

Hope is in our hands! “

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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