Big changes in the municipality of Plovdiv!



Today a project to change the structure of the municipality of Plovdiv was presented to the City Council. The changes are aimed at optimizing work processes and increasing management efficiency, as well as reducing personnel costs provided by local revenues.

The departments of Deputy Mayor “Finance, Health, Economic Activities, Ecology”, Deputy Mayor “European Policies and Social Activities”, Deputy Mayor “Sports and Youth Activities” and Deputy Mayor “Education” are being transformed. And business development “, in the following:

1. “Financial and economic activities”,

2. “Ecology and health”,

3. “Education, business development and European policies”,

4. “Sports, youth activities and social policy”.

According to the proposal presented, the activity of the Deputy Mayor “Finance and Economic Activities” will be related to the coordination and control of the general activity of the municipality, the budgeting and accounting process, the organization and conduct of public contracting, the provision of services. legal units in the administration, with the coordination and control of economic activities, management and control in the administration of local taxes and fees. The Deputy Mayor for Finance and Business Activities reports directly to: the Directorate of Financial Policy, the Directorate of Accounting, the Directorate of Business Activities, the Directorate of Local Taxes and Taxes, the Directorate of Legal and Regulatory Services and the Directorate of Hiring.

The activity of the Deputy Mayor “Ecology and Health” will be related to the coordination and control of health and conservation activities, environmental restoration and rational use of natural resources, organization, coordination and control of the activities provided for in art. 66 of the LMTDA. The units that will be under its direct control are the Ecology and Waste Management Directorate and the Health Directorate.

The Deputy Mayor “Education, Business Development and European Policies” will be in charge of guaranteeing and controlling the conditions and organization of activities in pre-school and school education in municipal schools and kindergartens. It will coordinate the implementation of the municipality’s policy to attract investors in the region and promote cooperation between companies and educational institutions. It will also monitor the entire financing application process under operational and international programs, as well as the effectiveness of the implementation of ongoing projects and programs with a beneficiary municipality of Plovdiv. The units that will be under its direct control are: the Department of Education and the Department of Business Development and European Policies.

The implementation of the municipality’s policy on sports and youth activities and the management and coordination in the field of social policy will be in charge of the Deputy Mayor “Sports, Youth Activities and Social Policy”, and their activities will be supported of the Directorate of Social Policy. . and the Department of Sports and Youth Activities.

The change in the structure does not foresee an increase in the number of personnel in the municipal administration, but it does propose a significant reduction in the administrative costs of the local budget. The 130 full-time local revenues funded so far will be reduced to 25. The total number of the municipal administration remains unchanged and the proposed amendment will free up funds for other activities or services of a local nature.

The proposal is that the new structure of the Plovdiv municipality comes into effect on March 1, 2021.
