An impressive size baby was born in Plovdiv!


A baby of impressive size cried last night, February 8, 2021, at 9:19 pm in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Hospital “Plovdiv” The child weighs 4760 grams and is 55 centimeters long.

Kostadin is the second child of 20-year-old mother Ruska Stoyanova from Kaloyanovo. The first child in the family is a girl and was also born in the old District Hospital.

The little one is born after a natural delivery, and the boss, Dr. Ventsislav Demirev, Dr. Vladimira Karagiozova and midwife Anna Pancheva help with the normal course. The patient has no tears or sutures, which is very rare with such a large fetus, Dr. Karagiozova said.

In medicine, large babies are known to be born more often to women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, but the disease has not been diagnosed, the obstetrician-gynecologist said. Ruska’s first child weighed more than 3.5 kg and the second is usually larger than the first, which is why Kostadin is probably so big.

“I wish all the children taking their first breath at Plovdiv University Hospital health and I thank the doctors for their great professionalism,” said the mother, who feels very good with the child.

According to the doctors, a baby weighing almost 5 kilograms has not been born in the ward in the last 12 months.
