Associate Professor Kunchev: By the end of the month, we can have 3 of the 6 expected vaccines


Associate Chief State Health Inspector Prof. Angel Kunchev STAFF: BNT

“We are about to receive 5 more vaccines. Moderna and Astra Zeneca have submitted documents. Even by the end of the month, we could have 3 of the 6 expected vaccines. This will allow us to cover more and more people.” This was said by the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev in the program “The day begins” at BNT.

According to him, by the end of January we will have 100,000 doses, which will allow the start of immunization in homes for the elderly and those who work in the health system.

“We have provided for the entire population. If there are quantities of vaccines left that will not be used, there are ways to sell and donate them. The EC has a plan to help the Western Balkans,” he added.

According to him, the choice is not so important, it is important that the vaccine is effective and works.

“The first doses were symbolic, they covered a minimal amount. Let people be patient. At the end of this month we will start a much more massive immunization,” explained Adjunct Professor Kunchev.

He added that all manufacturers are working to maintain immunity as long as possible.

“At the moment, it is considered to be at least 6 months. Coronaviruses are more resistant and do not change as fast as the flu, but if this is the solution, it means that multiple immunizations must be given,” said Assoc. Kunchev.

“The immunized person protects first of all himself, but also everyone else.”

According to him, an additional difficulty is that the vials are not for one person, but for five.

“The decision was very difficult, there is pressure from both sides,” he said about the return of the first to fourth grade students to school.

“The virus is all around us, it is spreading in schools, but if the requirements to organize the so-called bubble – no contact of students between classes, disinfection measures, distance from students, wearing masks, the risk reaches acceptable levels “said the state’s chief health inspector.

“I will be vaccinated at the end of the week or next week,” he said, explaining that there is no first line doctor.

“Scheduled surgeries will be allowed when they are safe for humans. It is not a good idea to take people with disabilities to hospitals.”
