Totomillionaire from Blagoevgrad is looking for a personal driver for BGN 1,000 – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Blagoevgrad businessman, totemillionaire and son-in-law of Simitli Mayor Nikolay Dinkov-Ninja announced in the last hours of 2020 that he was looking for a personal driver. As a salary he will give, the Ninja has indicated 1,000 gross BGN, writes

Dinkov’s future new hire is unlikely to get behind the wheel of the newest car the Ninja bought this year, because according to rumors, he didn’t let anyone drive it. For the Ferrari 488GTB Pista red, the latest technology of 2020, the Ninja counts the modest sum of 500,000 BGN and the beast became another jewel of its fleet, where there are more and more bar cars. They are all stationed at the mansion on the hill in the Balarbashi district above Blagoevgrad, where the Ninja and his wife Polina have lived for 6 years.

The huge palace with a terraced courtyard was built by construction entrepreneur Nikolay Galchev for his family. However, the Galchevs moved to Sofia and the Dinkovs settled in the 3-story house. According to the Commercial Registry documents, the property at 14 Ilio Voyvoda street, which has an area of ​​906 square meters, is a non-monetary contribution to the capital of End House EOOD, amounting to BGN 533,800. The ninja bought the company from Galchevi in ​​June 2014 and has been the legal owner of the luxury mansion ever since. Two years later, the young entrepreneur managed to recoup his investment to the penny and more, after winning BGN 7,095,423 from the lottery against a receipt of BGN 3.40.

The announcement of a personal driver was sent by Ninja on behalf of his most famous company “Vip Trade and Build” EOOD, of which he is the manager and owner of the capital of the company of 5 BGN. With this company, Dinkov has been persistently soliciting for all public orders in the region related to construction. In most cases, the commissions tend to dismiss him for irregular documents or omissions in the offer, appeal his actions to the CPC and often lose the paperwork.

However, it cannot be denied that in recent months your company has gained a lot of public finances. For example, in Strumyani, the Ninja will repair many streets, renovate the town hall building in the Sandanski village of Katuntsi, in Blagoevgrad the mayor Rumen Tomov invited him to repair the sidewalks of the municipality, etc. Due to the backlog of work, it turned out that the company was already starting to starve for staff, so in addition to a personal driver to drive it between sites, the Ninja is looking for a plumbing specialist.
