A pharmacist did something terrible


A pharmacist at a Wisconsin hospital was arrested on suspicion of destroying 500 doses of coronavirus vaccines by removing them from special refrigerators in which they are stored, Reuters reported, citing local police and health authorities.

The pharmacist is not named, but he worked at Aurora Medical Center in Grafton, Wisconsin. He was fired after all 57 bottles of vaccines were found out of refrigerators.

Each vial contains 10 doses of vaccine. Almost 60 of them were hospitalized before hospital staff discovered that the product had not been stored properly. The remaining doses were destroyed.

Moderna, whose vaccine is used, assured hospital staff that an injection of an improperly stored preparation does not represent a danger to human health, but simply that this person will be left without protection against the coronavirus.

Neither the health authorities nor the police can give a motive for the crime. Authorities said the pharmacist was “aware that taking the vaccines out of the refrigerator would make them ineffective” and that “the people who will be vaccinated will not actually have protection.

The suspect initially told police that he mistakenly removed the vaccines from the refrigerators, but later admitted in interviews that his actions were intentional.
