Disagreement in government over request for restaurants to operate after midnight on New Year’s Eve


Mariana Nikolova secretly inspects the establishments, disguised as

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, and the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, engaged in an indirect duel on Tuesday. First, early in the morning, Nikolova announced that she would offer for the New Year that the accommodation restaurants would be open until 00:30 after midnight. In the evening, on Facebook, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov spoke out against the idea, arguing that such relaxation was “wrong.” Thus, it is clear that if the Prime Minister does not intervene, the hoteliers’ request for the extension of working hours will not become a fact, since the Minister of Health will not change their order.

Later, the Bulgarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants, in turn, emotionally countered Angelov, saying: “If you stay in your morale, pay us for the ruined business. The virus has no working hours.”

The proposal

Nikolova’s proposal, which is at the request of the industry, was discussed today with the National Operations Headquarters, the health authorities and the government. The goal is for hotel guests to receive the vacation in peace, said the tourism minister.

“The industry proposal is that the hotel restaurant be open until at least 12:30, rather than delivering food and drinks to the rooms. I think this is more hygienic. This depends on further discussions with the prime minister and the staff”.Mariana Nikolova told bTV.

He recalled that the capacity of diners in restaurants is kept at 50% of the seats, not allowing crowds and entertainment programs.

As an argument to relax the measures, Nikolova pointed out that during the Christmas holidays, as well as December 8, the student holidays, there was not a single sign of violations in the hotels. Mariana Nikolova personally made sure that hoteliers strictly followed the rules after disguising herself as a “secret agent”.

“I personally made sure and even did some checks as a secret customer in Velingrad – with sports jacket and hood, where he wanted to see if the hours were up. He was wearing a sports jacket, a hood and a mask. The check was – I go into the hotel, go through the reception, go to the restaurant and look. People ate in the calmest and most normal way. “Nikolova told bTV.

According to her, the periodic inspections, which were carried out in December, showed that both businesses and tourists are disciplined.

“On December 24 and 25, I have not received a single report of non-compliance in the industry in terms of compliance with anti-epidemic standards, including the standards prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Health for 50% of the capacity of restaurants in hotels and 10 pm for business hours ”.Nikolova pointed out.

He added that “if one commits a violation, it means that it will be a stain for the entire industry.”

For us and all citizens, as well as for entrepreneurs, conscience is the most important thing.. If we currently maintain and are self-disciplined and respect the three D’s, I think that after mid-January we will be able to talk and loosen the measures without problems. At the moment we only allow hotel restaurants to operate. Businesses want restaurants elsewhere to work, but that is not possible at this time. We need to do this so that the industry gradually recovers and we can open restaurants. “commented the deputy prime minister.

He threatened not to allow secret parties. He pointed out that the control bodies are actively working and if there are signs, they are immediately referred to the competent institutions.


“To demand a relaxation of the measures for another part of the Bulgarians, who in any case are subject to the exceptions of the order of December 18, seems to me unfair to the majority of our compatriots.”the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, responded on Facebook.

He specified that the Ministry of Health has sent its official statement to the Ministry of Tourism, in relation to the previous letter with Mariana Nikolova’s proposal.

In the specific case, the aspects in which this request can be considered are both formal and moral, Angelov added.

The formal: an order of December 18 is in force, which regulates the working hours of restaurants in the territory of places of accommodation. I don’t see any reason for this order to be edited, Angelov added.

The moral aspect is more complex. A large part of the Bulgarian citizens will spend New Year’s Eve at home, observing the measures correctly and conscientiously. Finding a relaxation of the measures for another part of the Bulgarians, who in any case are subject to the exceptions of the order of December 18, seems to me unfair to the majority of our compatriots. In the last words, I share my personal opinion, Angelov added.

Hoteliers to Angelov: If you keep your morale, pay us for the ruined business

The Bulgarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants immediately responded to Professor Kostadin Angelov.

“If you keep up your morale, pay us for the ruined business”, correspond to the professional organization. BHRA recalls that formally, the hotels did not close until December 21, but in reality they could not function because the work of the restaurants in them was prohibited.

“His half measure was also illegal, because according to the Tourism Law, hotels cannot operate without a functioning restaurant.”, commented by the professional organization.

“Formally, hotel restaurants are still open, but no one really wants to pay to party at night, and work with restrictions is not complete. Formally, the virus has no working hours and is as dangerous at 10 p.m. 00.30 hours “, is indicated in the message.

The BHRA insists that one of the key sectors of the Bulgarian economy, tourism, has been ruined by ever-changing measures, a lack of security and predictability.

“Close everything if it is a question of morale, but pay us immediately 20 percent of the billing for December and January, as well as 80 percent of the salaries of our employees.”, declared by the professional organization.

For the winter season

About winter season the minister said that at this time reserves are at 30%, and in the coming months it will again have Bulgarian visitors.

We expect last minute bookings, as well as guests from neighboring Serbia, Turkey, North Macedonia, who can come by car, added Nikolova.

When asked about vaccination against Covid-19, the deputy prime minister said she was ready to be publicly vaccinated and that she hoped to have this opportunity soon. I don’t think it could harm my health, but everyone decides for themselves, Nikolova said.

With regard to tourism, practice shows that antigen tests work, the minister said. Already several hotels in our country are doing rapid tests of their staff in an attempt to ensure that the accommodation is safe.
