Prof. Vitanov: Measures work – Diseases


A small number of tests, but also working measures. Thus, the National Operational Headquarters explained to Nova TV the next day with a relatively small percentage of infected among those tested in our country during one day. During the last 24 hours, there are 337 new cases.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 17545

At the same time, Europe is reporting alarming new records of infected people. At the same time, immunization continues throughout Europe.

In our country, the first dose of the vaccine reached nearly 4,000 first-line doctors. And health experts have advised all patients to wait at least three months before getting vaccinated.

One more day the cured are more than the newly infected: 1,475 people have overcome the disease. In the last 24 hours, there were 337 new cases of COVID-19 infection. This trend has continued for several days and has raised the question of whether it is a direct consequence of the partial closure of a number of businesses, schools and kindergartens. Or is there another reason for the sharp decline in the number of infected? By way of comparison, in the context of these 337 people over the last 24 hours, just ten days ago, the newly infected numbered in the thousands.

Professor Angelov revealed whether the restaurants will be open on New Year’s Eve until 00:30.

The reason for the low number of infected is mainly due to the partial blockade, according to the mathematician of the Operations Headquarters Prof. Nikolay Vitanov.

“A few days ago we were above 2000 and we fell below 2000 per day. This is very good because we come out of the developed turbulence regime. When we fall below 500, we come out of the turbulent regime,” Prof. Vitanov explained.

But there is another factor: the small number of tests that are carried out in the last few days. On December 24 there were 6,945. Today there are 2,369.

All on the subject:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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