A 75-year-old man died in Israel after immunization against coronavirus


A 75-year-old man suffering from cancer and had suffered several heart attacks died today in Israel after being vaccinated against the new coronavirus. The cause of death is being clarified and no connection to the Pfizer vaccine has been established, TASS reported, citing Israel’s Ministry of Health.

It is clear from the message that the man died at home shortly after the vaccination. A commission has been formed to establish the cause of his death.

The immunization campaign in Israel continues. It started on December 20 and so far 379,000 Israelis have received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

The confinement in Israel

The third full quarantine since the beginning of the pandemic has been in effect in Israel since 5 p.m. on December 27. Until January 9, 2021, Israelis are prohibited from visiting and moving more than 1 km from their homes, except to go to get vaccinated, receive medical or social assistance, go to court, take a short walk, at work or at school, at a wedding or funeral, at a circumcision ceremony.

All points of sale are closed except those that sell basic necessities. Restaurants can only offer food with supplies.

The fines for the infringement are 500 shekels (127 euros) and for collecting more than the allowed number of people, 1000 shekels.
