The first confirmed cases of infection by the new strain of COVID-19 were found in Spain – EU


In Madrid, four confirmed cases of infection with the new British version of COVID-19 have been registered, for the first time in Spain. This was announced by local authorities today, AFP reported.

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These are people who have recently returned from the UK or who have been in close contact with travelers to that country.

Positive tests for the new option were given by the father, mother and sister of a young man who arrived in Madrid last week by plane. The young man’s own PCR test is expected.

The fourth infected is a man who arrived in Madrid on December 20 on another flight.

The patients are not seriously ill. We know that this strain is more easily transmitted, but it does not cause a more severe course of the disease. There is no reason to worry, said Antonio Zapatero, the second person in the leadership of the regional health authorities, at a press conference.

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Three other suspected cases of COVID-19 are currently being investigated in Spain. By Tuesday or Wednesday it will be clear whether people are also infected with the mutated British variant, Zapatero added.

As of Tuesday, Spain, like several other countries, has not accepted foreigners arriving from the UK, with the exception of Spaniards and permanent residents.

France and Italy have also reported cases of infection with the new strain. The WHO reported 9 cases in Denmark and one in the Netherlands and Australia, recalls AFP, cited by BTA.

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