Delyan threw her 4-year-old son off the 100-foot bridge over Yantra in one fell swoop.


The Supreme Court must rule definitively on the sentence of the murderer father in 2021.

Will you be in prison for life? A 32-year-old man from Gabrovo, who threw his 4-year-old son from a 30-meter bridge on the city’s ring road as useless? This will have to be decided as a last resort by the Supreme Court of Cassation next year. The case was entered in the Supreme Court of Cassation the last business day before Christmas, showed a reference in the electronic system. This removes all questions as to whether the murderous father will come to the end in his attempts to obtain leniency, after he received life in prison in two cases under a special regime for the premeditated murder of his own son.

“I let him get off the bridge. That’s just what I did at that time,” explained judge Delyan Beshev, 32, from Gabrovo, who in the early morning of July 3, 2019 threw his 4-year-old son Dariel from the viaduct near the Gabrovo Wastewater Treatment Plant. . The reason – he was at a dead end, abandoned by the child’s mother and could not care for him.

The bridge from which the murderous father threw his son

The bridge from which the murderer father threw his son PHOTO: Dima Maximova

The murderer, who was in prison for theft and inflicting moderate bodily harm, in the course of the investigation tried to exonerate himself by claiming that the child simply slipped and fell. Then he blamed the strangers sent by the mother, who overpowered him and then threw the boy off the bridge. Later, however, pressed by the facts, he confessed. Engineering experience shows that the boy was thrown on a swing from an impressive height. It was flying at almost 90 km / h. Within seconds, the small body crashed into the dry rocky part of the Yantra river bed. Death came instantly. After throwing Dariel out, the father went out under the bridge to make sure the boy was dead. He was carrying a 11-inch knife to stab himself, but changed his mind. He went back up the viaduct, wanting to jump. Instead, he began calling his mother, an acquaintance, a police officer. He told the latter that the two-hour-old was no longer breathing and that he intended to go find him to a better place. He also held the knife in his hands, but soon threw it to the asphalt. After 4 hours of negotiations, the policemen managed to get him off the railing and handcuff him. It became clear that while being persuaded, Delyan said that he had come with the boy to the bridge the day before, but then he was not afraid to carry out his intention.
In November, the Veliko Tarnovo Court of Appeals confirmed Delyan Beshev’s sentence, a life sentence that he must serve under a special regime for the premeditated murder of his own son, who was defenseless due to his frail age. However, according to experts, the boy was aware of what was happening. The child killer committed the crime in a dangerous recidivism. However, his lawyer insisted that the punishment was excessive and that his client suffered from mental illness. The magistrates accept that he is sane, has a personality disorder, but that does not prevent him from being responsible for his act. According to psychologists, he does not feel guilty, but rather feels victimized and seeks compassion. Terrifying details emerged from the cover of the crime case, preceded by years of domestic violence, fear, running away and the failure of institutions to protect victims.
Delyan and her partner Polya Hristova met at a local company where they worked in 2011. They soon lived together. On September 25, 2014 their son Dariel was born. The boy was less than 2 years old when the father went to jail. He was in bed for 8 months because he stabbed a man with a knife and nearly killed him by cutting a vein and causing him a hemorrhagic shock. He was also sentenced to a previous suspended sentence for robbery. At the end of March 2017, he left the cell. Since then, his relationship with Polya has deteriorated. He was jealous, he was not satisfied with the care that was taken in the house. Delyan asserted her authority rudely and forcefully. To respect her, he even installed a video recorder in the hallway of the apartment, aimed at the door of his house. According to the magistrates, he carried out systematic physical, mental and sexual harassment against his wife. “He keeps hitting me, he keeps sexually harassing me all night long. He hits me during sex. He hits me on the head. He took me to the hospital twice. One time I broke a rib and the second time I had a concussion. a complete collapse of the body. I was dragging myself on the ground, “Polya told 24 Chasa after the tragedy. She accused herself of being afraid to report systemic harassment to her husband. “I’ll make you a corpse,” the monster hissed with a kitchen knife pointed at his chest at Paul’s hint that she would leave him. He went even further, threatening to kill both her and Dariel if he “tried to take the child out of her hands.” The boy witnessed the relationship between his parents. And also a victim of the abusive father. He hit him and even in August 2018, social services reviewed the violence after a sign from Dariel’s kindergarten. During the conversation with the educator, the accused admitted that he had slapped his son for disobedience. An inspection was carried out by the Protection of Minors, which ended without any established risk to their life and health, the file reads.
On the night of July 20, 2019, Delyan beat Polya again at her apartment in the Rusevtsi district. She suffered a nervous breakdown and took her to the Gabrovo Hospital Emergency Department. The young woman admitted that she was a victim of domestic violence. They put her in the neurology ward for treatment. Even then, he decided not to return home and left the hospital around 9 a.m. the next morning.

A friend welcomed her into his home and together they went to the district police inspector. He advised Fields to leave town for a time until he received an order of protection. An acquaintance helped take refuge with his parents in Pavlikeni. None of Polya’s relatives knew that she had left Gabrovo. After work, Delyan picked up the boy from kindergarten and they went to the hospital. There he learned that Polya had left the health center. She did not respond to his calls. He began looking for the mother of his son through a message posted on the social network Facebook, posted ads with a photo of Polya and her son and a message “I love you, Mom!” at bus stops, in restaurants and nightclubs. On June 26, 2019, Polya’s mother reported her disappearance and her daughter was declared nationally wanted.

Meanwhile, little Dariel fell ill; developed a viral infection and a runny nose. In front of a police officer dedicated to the search for Polya, the father constantly complained that the boy was deteriorating and had no money to care for him. He begged to find his partner, promising to forgive her. In the days that followed, she kept repeating in conversations with family and friends that she would never abandon her son, but she didn’t know what to do and wanted to “pull out her knife.” He told a friend that he would not let Dariel take care of him or his mother, and that he preferred to “go for it.” The woman didn’t take her words seriously because she knew she wasn’t doing many of the things she was talking about.

At 11:52 pm on the night before the sinister tragedy, he texted his wife: “Polly, I love you, but we have to leave you and Dariel forever.” They found a goodbye video on his phone, created at 1.18am on July 3. The video contains a statement from the defendant about the difficult situation he was in, with no money and no support from anyone, including the mother of his son, which ends with a “Bye!” They also found a death note in a colorful family photo on the car. Delyan carries out her plan only until the boy’s murder, perhaps realizing that this will be the greatest punishment for the rebellious Field.
