The first vaccines against COVID-19 arrived in Sofia


Vaccines against the coronavirus arrived at the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Sofia. Vaccination begins Sunday.

More than 9,700 doses are located in Bull Bio and delivery logistics have started in the 6 regions of the country. This was said by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov after the first doses of the vaccine arrived.

It is intended to immunize medical professionals. The second phase will serve the users of social services who need medical attention. The total number of phases is 4. It is not yet known when the mass immunization will begin.

A person receives two doses, so this first amount is quite symbolic.

More doses are expected in January to reach 62,000 units.

The first person to be vaccinated will be Health Minister Kostadin Angelov, announced at a briefing.

Immunization will begin tomorrow in three cities in the country: Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. Vratsa and Veliko Tarnovo will receive their vaccinations on December 28, Angelov said.

The number of those who want to be vaccinated is increasing, added the health minister.

45,000 are willing to get vaccinated. This is approximately 33%. There are constant requests from various structures, such as the food industry, the Union of Artists and law firms, it was made clear in the briefing this morning.

Much attention will also be paid to nursing homes so that the immunization phases can be carried out in a synchronized way.

Informational materials for doctors and patients also arrived to obtain sufficient information.

“Our ambition is to get 70% of Bulgarians vaccinated. Once we achieve this number, we will take off our masks, start seeing each other, seeing our loved ones, going to theater and cinema,” Angelov added.

The campaign is organized by regional health inspections and immunizations are carried out by doctors in ambulatory and hospital care establishments, regional health inspections, as well as by doctors in specialized structures of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense.

The order of the Minister of Health clearly states that immunization against COVID-19 is recommended and free and is optional.
