Merry Christmas! –


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Merry Christmas dear readers!

“Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, goodwill toward men” (Luke 2:14).

Be healthy and happy! May there be lots of light and love in your life!

After a difficult year, let us wake up at Christmas with the hope that the vaccine will stop the pandemic, the crisis will pass and we will be with family and friends again.

Christmas is one of the brightest Christian holidays. It is a kind of continuation of Christmas Eve, because it begins at midnight, in the popular calendar with the custom of Christmas carols. On this day we celebrate the birth of God’s son, Jesus Christ, who appeared on earth to atone for human sins.

According to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem, in the province of Judea. Shortly before his birth, his mother Mary went with Joseph to Bethlehem. There they could not find a place in an inn and were forced to take refuge in a cave on the outskirts of the city, where the shepherds imprisoned the sheep. In it, Mary gave birth to her son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, where a donkey and an ox were tied. By breathing, the animals warmed the baby.

Christmas begins at midnight, with the custom of Christmas. According to Bulgarian traditions, the participants are only men: singles, boyfriends and younger men just married. They all have a common name, which in different speeches is different: Christmas carols, Christmas carols, Christmas carols, Christmas carols … Even on the day of Saint Ignatius, they choose a leader (stanenik, old man) and organize themselves in groups of 10-15 people. There are also younger boys in the group, who often pass in front of the carols and inform the owners of their arrival.

The carols are dressed in traditional festive garb, with special decoration on the hats. From midnight until morning they go through the houses. On the way, in front of the door and in the house, special ritual songs are sung. There is a song for all members of the family, from the oldest to the youngest. The songs are about health and longevity, about property, fertility and well-being, luck, love, happiness and good luck, about joy, games and fun.

Today the birthday is celebrated by: Emil, Itzo, Icho, Mladen, Radomir, Radomira, Radoslav, Radoslava, Radostin, Radostina, Hristalina, Hristo, Hristi, Hristin, Hristina, Hristofor, Kristina, Christian, Christiana, Christian, Christiana.

The Nativity of Christ marks the beginning of a new chronology. These holidays include St. Stephen’s Day, December 27, which ends the Christmas holidays.
