First case of the new coronavirus strain in Germany – EU


The new strain of coronavirus, discovered in Britain, was first seen in Germany in a woman who flew in from London. This was announced today by the German health authorities, reported AFP.

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“This is the first known case in Germany,” the regional health ministry of the southern state of Baden-Württemberg said in a statement.

The woman arrived at Frankfurt airport on December 20 on a flight from London Heathrow airport. Her relatives then took her to Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, where she remained in isolation after testing positive for COVID-19 on board.

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The next day he developed symptoms and a second test also came back positive.

After the appearance of the new strain, more contagious according to the British authorities, Germany stopped accepting flights from the United Kingdom and South Africa, then extended the ban until January 6, recalls AFP.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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