Virologists: The new strain may have already reached other countries – Diseases


Two emergency measures were taken during the day after it became clear that a new strain had been discovered in the UK.

The Bulgarian Ministry of Health has issued an immediate and mandatory 10-day quarantine order for all arriving from the UK. Flights between the two countries were subsequently suspended until December 31.

23 changes were found in the genetic code of COVD-19

However, the new strain of the virus may have already reached other countries, Bulgarian virologists say.

The news itself does not surprise the experts, because the mutation of any virus is something natural, they say.

“The truth is that most mutations in viruses are practically neutral, that is, they very rarely affect their behavior and, therefore, they are rarely visible to us,” explains Professor Radostina Alexandrova, a BAS virologist.

Most likely, the vaccines developed will work successfully in the new strain.

The new strain of coronavirus is up to 70% more contagious

“Vaccines definitely contain information or that part of the surface of the virus, the spine, against which our immune response is usually found. Antibodies are built against different areas at this peak, so even if there is a change in some of these areas, this does not mean that the vaccine will not work, “said Professor Alexandrova.

There is no evidence that the new strain changes the way the infection progresses.
