Professor Iva Hristova explained how to choose a vaccine against COVID-19 – Hospitals


My advice is to look for COVID-19 vaccines that are approved by the European Medicines Agency. Once approved, they are effective and safe. In any case, once a vaccine is allowed, we can use it. This was stated by the deputy director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Prof. Iva Hristova in the BTV program “Face to Face”.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 16996

“The approval lies in a clinical trial of thousands of people. Experts say that this vaccine is well studied and can be used. We need the vaccine now.” Every day it is delayed, it costs many lives, “he explained.

We have antibodies up to half a year after coronavirus infection

Professor Hristova admitted that there are diseases that you need to be careful about before getting vaccinated. They are allergic people, people with autoimmune diseases. However, the benefits far outweigh the harms, he stressed.

“Vaccination is the introduction of RNA information that synthesizes the peptide. It definitely does not lead to sterility. We only have coronavirus RNA to build immunity. Claims that vaccination leads to a change in our DNA is completely absurd from one point of view. scientifically, “said Prof. Hristova.

As for people who have already had COVID-19 and whether it is good to get vaccinated, Professor Iva Hristova said: “They are no longer a risk group. They have a better immune response than that obtained after the vaccine. Your immunity will keep them for at least six months. They can be vaccinated after this period. “” Even when the antibodies drop, the memory of our immune cells remains, which can block the coronavirus. Recurring illnesses are not always easier. At first there were massive cases. It depends on the time that has elapsed since the first infection, the dose with which we have been infected and our immune system. Sometimes it does not react well and allows the development of the virus in our body, “said the deputy director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

When asked why it is necessary to administer two doses of the vaccine, Prof. Hristova said: “The first dose is sufficient for the formation of basic immunity.” The second dose triggers a stronger immune response. Both doses are necessary for safety reasons.

“Health is a function of reason. Observe the measurements, not join, observe the distance. The measurements are clear, we just have to follow them,” he urged.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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