Macron has a high fever, has retired


Emmanuel Macron PHOTO: Reuters

As French President Emmanuel Macron retreats to Versailles to fight the coronavirus, French doctors are warning families to beware of the possibility of an outbreak of the infection while they are around the Christmas table, the Associated Press reported.

Although he typically wears a protective mask and adheres to social distance requirements, in the days leading up to testing positive yesterday, Macron hosted or participated in numerous group lunches and dinners, BTA reports.

Critics say this is a bad example for his compatriots, who have been advised to limit family gatherings to six.

Macron currently has a high fever and cough and feels exhausted, presidential officials said today. Macron is at the Lantern presidential residence in Versailles.

The president tested positive at a time when health authorities are again seeing an increase in infections and warn of a continuation of this trend. However, many French people are preparing to get together as a family for Christmas and New Years.

The Pasteur Institute today published a study that family lunches and dinners at home or in public are a major source of infection. Institute epidemiologist Arno Fontane said today on Radio Franter that on holidays “we can see each other, there simply shouldn’t be many people in one place, and at critical moments, during meals, not sit too much at the table.” many people”.

The president will be isolated for seven days, in accordance with the recommendations of the national health authorities, the presidency said. The 42-year-old head of state will continue to work remotely. Macron delivered a scheduled video conference yesterday.
