Prof. Vitanov: With vaccines the game will change completely


With the arrival of vaccines, the game will change completely. We have besieged the virus with the measures taken and in 7-8 months we will not talk about this problem. Our task is to analyze and predict how the number of people infected and cured by COVID-19 will develop over time. This was stated by the mathematician Prof. Nikolay Vitanov, who is part of the National Operational Headquarters to Combat Coronavirus, to bTV.

“When those who do not follow the measures become many, a strong spread of the virus begins. For some time we will be in the stage of a large number of infected people. Now, two and the stage of vaccines,” he said.

The professor pointed out that with the help of vaccines immunity can be achieved and the number of new cases will be so small that it will not be a problem for either medicine or the economy.

“If 30 to 35 percent are vaccinated, the effect will start to be felt,” Vitanov said. “The vaccines are good and I would be vaccinated. It is important that the number of cases is reduced by about 1,000 per day. In this way, the health system will begin to be unloaded.”

He predicts that perhaps the chronic diseases of Bulgarians are such that this virus attacks them with force.

“Make no mistake, there will be such pandemics in the future,” Vitanov said.

The mathematician also commented on the decision of the authorities to close schools and kindergartens.

“The calculations show that schools closed not so much out of necessity as under pressure from certain circles. That is why it seems to me a good decision to open kindergartens and schools for children up to 4th grade from January 4,” Vitanov said. .

“In every recorded case, there are 3 unrecorded cases. When we walk the streets, 1 in 20 has encountered the virus and is in danger of becoming infected. Even when we are outdoors, we must wear a mask,” he urged.

“There is an optimistic theory about the development of the pandemic. We have besieged the virus with these measures. The arrival of vaccines will change the game completely. Perhaps in 7-8 months we will not talk about this problem. At the moment the hospitals are full. Stay home – eat, drink and be careful, ”urged the teacher.
