Prof. Gaidarski for covid – the vaccine: there is nothing to scare – Topics in development


“Many do not know that before being offered, the vaccine is being tested in a large number of people. People of the most basic foods have reactions. Some do not tolerate strawberries, others apples, others are allergic to milk. It is It is possible that a certain percentage of people have a reaction to vaccines, but that is not scary at all, “said former Health Minister Prof. Radoslav Gaidarski at” NOVA Week “.

Regarding vaccination, he believes that people are afraid because they do not know what the reaction will be. According to him, it is quite normal to show redness, fever, but this does not hide dangers.

Are European citizens ready to get vaccinated?

“> Are European citizens ready to get vaccinated?

“If 70% of the population is vaccinated, it will give the opportunity for a more effective fight against the virus. I think that Bulgarians are reasonable people and once it is explained to us, there will be no such acute reactions,” said Professor Gaidarski .

He described the conspiracies to “chip” with the vaccine as “utter nonsense.” However, the former Minister of Health will not be vaccinated now, but in the summer, since he already has antibodies because he has had covid-19.

Only 11% of doctors in our country want a vaccine against COVID-19

“> Only 11% of doctors in our country want a vaccine against COVID-19

“The most dangerous thing now is that people think that the vaccine will introduce other viruses into the body and these viruses will almost attack our genome. There is the danger of other reactions here. In fact, the vaccine introduces bodies that are allergens and increase the body’s immune defenses. They create antibodies and this is the body’s self defense ”, explained Prof. Gaidarski.

He stressed that the work in kovid wards is very difficult for both doctors and nurses and paramedics. The professor believes that the health system will last, but doctors must be encouraged and their salaries must be equal to those of their European counterparts.
