Today they draw 13 wonderful names – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Today, December 13, is a birthday day celebrated by many names that were borne by brave Christians who died in the name of the faith of Christ.

After the emperors Diocletian and Maximian received information from their spies that the number of Christians was growing rapidly in Armenia and Cappadocia, they immediately sent two of their most devoted dignitaries, Agricola and Lysias, to restore order by condemning the Christians.

Agricola and Lysias’s research found that in addition to St. Presbyter Auxentius, there are Christians among the generals. So was Eustratius, who himself admitted that he had replaced ignorant faith in idols with true faith in Christ. The judges ordered Commander Eustratius to remove his military decorations and insignia. The soldiers tortured him. God saved Saint Eustratius’s life despite the inhuman wounds inflicted on him.

Another man named Mardarius also declared aloud that he was a Christian. And he was caught and imprisoned.

One of the newly proclaimed martyrs was Saint Eugene, but this happened on May 23, 1996. He was a young man born in 1977. His relics are miraculous, so the Russian Orthodox Church canonized him as a new martyr.

On December 13 we honor the memory of St. Lucia the girl (Lucia), who glorified God in the Sicilian city of Syracuse, along with the memory of Saint. Herman, who was born in Orthodox Russia and preached the word of God in the Aleutian Islands and Alaska. He died happily in 1837.

Naming Day is celebrated by: Evstratiy, Evstrati, Stati, Statko, Evgeni, Evgeniy, Evgenia, Zhenya, Geno, Gencho, Gendo, Lucia, Herman.
