Municipal housing for Roma and ghetto repair promises a national strategy


The state will have to provide municipal social housing for Roma and households living below the poverty line.

1/3 of the ethnic population a minority don’t even have ID cards

They record the neighborhoods with a drone

The state will have to provide municipal social housing for Roma and households living below the poverty line.

This is established in the National Strategy for the Inclusion and Participation of Roma (2021-2030), which the government published for public discussion before being adopted.

It is planned to create an integrated geographic information system in which to enter images taken with a drone. At the age of 10, a cadastral map and records of territories with a compact Roma population should be prepared.

The strategy establishes that the social infrastructure for health, education and culture should be built in neighborhoods with a concentration of poverty. Besides

in the ghettos should

expand legal

access to quality

water, electricity

and sewerage. The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works is responsible for housing, but the strategy lacks more details on how this policy will be guaranteed. It is only expected that the money for this can come from European programs, municipal or state budgets.

The spatial separation of the Roma community in urban and rural regions continues, leading to the social isolation of the inhabitants of minority neighborhoods, deterioration of living conditions, problems with the construction and maintenance of infrastructure and hygiene , to transportation problems and difficulties in providing services, says the government document.

The problems with illegal construction, inconsistent with building regulations, with high population density and with overcrowding in homes remain unresolved.

Also provided

more and more gypsies

to work,

as they must have equal access to work with other ethnic groups. Retraining programs should be developed for the professions requested, as well as for apprenticeships and internships.

One in four uninsured people can pay health and social security contributions, but does not pay them, the strategy says.

Almost a third of the Roma population does not have a valid identity document, which is also a problem for access to health. Roma are more likely to lose primary care or

seek help hardly

after health

they got worse,

He also pointed out the government’s strategy.

“The uneven distribution of hospitals, medical professionals and services across the country also makes access difficult, as rural areas are often affected, while larger cities are oversupplied. This again leads to medical care. inaccessible for the representatives of the different social groups ”, the strategy reads.

The COVID-19 epidemic has further aggravated the situation of marginalized Roma communities in overcrowded areas and settlements. “Medical care and support is needed to limit the spread of the virus, as the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 crisis threaten to more severely affect and exacerbate existing inequalities in all priority areas. areas of inclusion of the Roma population ”, says the document.

There will also need to be better access to education, because Roma and Turkish students lag behind Bulgarian children by three years in reading and two years in math and science, PISA data show.

The state will have to provide municipal social housing for Roma and households living below the poverty line.
